The amount of pork imported into the country has increased – Price announced

In January-July of this year, 860.7 tons of frozen pork worth 1 million 951.4 thousand dollars were imported to Azerbaijan from foreign countries.
reports that the average customs value of 1 kilogram of imported pork was 2.3 dollars (3.8 manats).
For comparison, during the same period last year, less frozen pork was imported into the country than this year - 645.8 tons, and the average customs value of 1 kilogram remained unchanged.
For information, it should be noted that approximately 5% of the demand for pork in Azerbaijan is met by local production. Most of the pork is imported. For example, last year, 10,737 tons of pork were used in the country, of which 492 tons were produced domestically. Last year, more than 10 thousand tons of pork were imported from abroad. Imported pork was not used as a food product. Pork is used to produce sausages and other meat products.

Murad Mamedov

