Changed the name of "Gilan Holding"

One of the former largest companies in the country LLC "Gilan Holding" has changed its name.
informs with reference to the published official information that "Gilan Holding" LLC has been transformed into "Xəzri Solutions" LLC (TIN-1400725191).
It should be noted that there was no change in the legal address of the LLC. As before, the company is located at the address: Yasamal district, Nariman Narimanov avenue, 466, building 206.
It should also be noted that "Gilan Holding" LLC was headed by Muradov Jamil Tahir oglu for a long time. Last year, Jamil Muradov was replaced by Huseynov Mubariz Ahmadaga oglu. The authorized capital of the company was reduced from 98.5 million manats to 100 manats.
For information, "Gilan Holding" was managed by members of the family of the Minister of Emergency Situations Kamaleddin Heydarov. Companies associated with "Gilan Holding" were considered companies of Kamaleddin Heydarov in the country. Jamil Muradov is reportedly the cousin (son of maternal aunt) Kamaleddin Heydarov.
It should be noted that recently dozens of companies owned by members of Kamaleddin Heydarov's family have been liquidated and merged with other companies. Most of the liquidated companies have merged with companies belonging to "Pasha Holding".

Elnur Ali

