The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU), one of the world's leading analytical centers, has examined how the world's position on the Russian-Ukrainian war has changed over the past year. reports that the study shows that the number of those who support Russia is slowly increasing.
It is noted that in 2022, 29 countries leaned towards Russia, but now this number has increased to 35. The number of countries leaning towards the West or actively condemning Russia has decreased from 131 to 122.
The EIU believes this is because a number of emerging economies moved to a more neutral stance at the end of 2022.
South Africa and Uganda are now on the list of countries friendly to Russia, although in 2022 they were politically neutral on this issue. Meanwhile, Burkina Faso and Mali, previously pro-Russian, now openly support Russia. Bolivia has shifted from neutral to pro-Russian.
At the same time, the number of neutral countries increased from 32 to 35. In the past, some countries with a Western bias fell into this category, including Colombia, Turkey and Qatar. These countries seek economic benefits from cooperation with both parties. Bangladesh, on the other hand, has moved from neutral to pro-Western.
The EIU report shows that 60.1% of the world's gross domestic product (GDP) is now accounted for by countries opposing Russia. 7.8% of GDP came from countries with a Western bias, 12% with a neutral position, 16.8% with a Russian bias, and 3.3% of countries supporting Russia.
Currently, 30.7% of the world's population lives in neutral countries. In addition, 27.5% of the world's population lives in pro-Russian countries, 21% - pro-Western, 15.2% - against Russia, 5.6% - supporting Russia.
For information, in the EIU report, Azerbaijan and Armenia are listed as neutral, and Georgia as a country oriented to the West. Azerbaijan's neighbor Iran was presented as a country supporting Russia, while Kazakhstan was presented as a pro-Russian country.
Elnur Ali