As is known, the composition of the minimum consumer basket in Azerbaijan was last determined by a resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers dated June 6, 2014. According to this decision, the minimum area of an apartment in which an able-bodied person lives must be 12 square meters.
Yeniavaz.com reports that the area of apartments in which about 262,000 people live in Azerbaijan is 2 times less than the minimum figure.
According to the State Statistics Committee, the share of households with a living area of less than 5 square meters per person in their total number is 2.6%. Considering that there are approximately 2 million 401 thousand households in Azerbaijan, this means more than 62.4 thousand families. Since each household has an average of 4.23 people, the area where 262,000 people live is less than 5 square meters.
In addition, there are about 77,000 families in Azerbaijan in whose houses the roof leaks, dampness and moisture, and there are cracks in the walls, floors and window panes. 36,000 families have no bath or shower at home.
The disclosure also notes that 96,000 families do not have running water in their toilets.
A. Jafarov