LLC "Digital Sharks" (TIN - 1404117811), LLC "Ecofarm" (TIN - 1403583361) and LLC "Vinoteka" (TIN - 1403564941) announced their liquidation. reports, that in the liquidation announcement, creditors are invited to submit their claims within two months to the address: Baku city, Nasimi district, Neftchilar avenue, house 153.
For information, Neftchilar Avenue, house 153, is also the legal address of "Pasha Holding", the largest company in the country in terms of assets.
2 of the companies that announced their liquidation, "Ecofarm" and "Vinoteka" LLC, were registered in 2016. The legal representative of both companies, the authorized capital of which is 1,000 manats and whose legal address is located at Suleiman Rustam, house 9, Nasimi district, is Topchiev Emil Namiq oglu.
LLC "Digital Sharks" was registered in 2018. The LLC with an authorized capital of 100 manats is located at the same legal address as the other two companies. The head of this company is also Emil Topchiev.
It should also be noted that last year "Xəzər Golden Beach" LLC (TIN-1200012961), headed by Emil Topchiev, ceased operations and announced that it was merging with "Mərdəkan Sahil Evləri" LLC (TIN-1405690291).
"Xəzər Golden Beach" LLC was registered in 2004. The authorized capital of the LLC, located at Sahil beach, Khazar district, Mardakan urban settlement, is 710,000 manats.
LLC "Mərdəkan Sahil Evləri" was registered in 2021. The authorized capital of the LLC, whose legal address is Nasimi district, Neftchilar Avenue, 153, is 1,626,000 manats.
Along with the liquidated companies, Emil Topchiev was also the director of "Tenera" LLC (TIN - 2007490131), which was registered in July last year.
For information, Emil Topchiev, who heads these companies, is also the director of the Public Association "YARAT Müasir İncəsənət Məkanı", founded by Aida Makhmudova, daughter of ANAS Vice President Nargiz Pashayeva.
Topchiev is also the legal representative of the Public Association "Azerbaycan Somelye Gildiyası", registered in 2018. The purpose of "Azerbaycan Somelye Gildiyası" is to coordinate activities between producers and sellers of wine and wine products.
Emil Topchiev was awarded the "Progress" medal by President Ilham Aliyev "for services to the development of Azerbaijani culture" in October last year.
A. Jafarov