The case of the Talibov's company will be heard in the Nakhchivan court

The Nakhchivan city court will consider the protocol drawn up on the "Gəmiqaya Şirkəti" LLC (TIN - 0200094231). reports that "Gəmiqaya Şirkəti" LLC was found guilty under Art. 430.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (entails the imposition of a fine on officials in the amount of ten to twenty percent of the amount of foreign currency that has become the direct object of an administrative offense, on legal entities in the amount of twenty to thirty percent of the amount of foreign currency that has become the object of an administrative offense).
The case will be considered on January 9 at 16:00 under the chairmanship of Judge Gabil Mammadov.
For information, LLC "Gəmiqaya Şirkəti" was registered on 21.02.2005. The legal address of the company, whose authorized capital is currently 52 manats, is located at NTusi, house 5, Nakhchivan city.
It should be noted that numerous companies under the name "Gəmiqaya" have passed the state registration in Nakhchivan. For many years there have been reports in the media that these companies are owned by family members of the recently retired Chairman of the Supreme Assembly of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Vasif Talibov, and they have not been refuted to this day. Back in 2014, Vasif Talibov's son Rza Talibov mentioned himself as the head of "Gəmiqaya Holdinq" in information he shared on his Facebook account.
It should also be noted that a week ago there was a separation from "Gəmiqaya Şirkətli" LLC, which is an affiliate of "Gəmiqaya Holding". "Gəmiqaya Avtonəqliyyat" LLC was also spun off from this company.


