To whom does "Azersun" sell FC "Karabakh"? - Owner changes...

LLC "Football club Karabakh" (TIN-9900020601) is changing its founder., with reference to the published official information, reports that on October 13, 2022 at 15:00 at the address Baku, Nizami district, Heydar Aliyev avenue, 94, will be held an extraordinary general meeting of participants of "Karabakh Football Club" LLC. The following issues will be considered at the Extraordinary General Meeting of Participants:
1. Making appropriate changes to the company's charter regarding the change of the founder in "Football Club Karabakh" LLC;
2. Approval of the sixth edition of the Charter of "Football Club Karabakh" LLC;
3. Issues related to the application to the registration authority for registration of changes in the state registration data of "Football Club Karabakh" LLC.

For your information, at present "Karabakh Football Club" LLC is located at the same legal address as one of the leading companies in the country, "Azersun Holding". Tahir Gozel, who is the president of the "Karabakh Football Club", is also the vice president of "Azersun Holding".

